Opel insurance: what you need to know


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Opel is a German vehicle brand, whose exceptional value for money can be highlighted. You could find all kinds of cars, available for sale or leasing. The brand is also diversifying its services, now offering its own auto insurance . In this article, we suggest setting off to discover the useful guarantees, for an Opel insurance policy. You'll also discover what the brand offers in terms of coverage, compared to other Swiss insurance companies.

What car insurance for an Opel?

Before choosing your insurance company, it's important to fully understand the coverages that can be offered to you for an Opel insurance.

Third party liability for an Opel

In Switzerland, third party liability is the only compulsory cover, when you have a car. It provides cover for third parties, in the event that you cause them an accident. In exchange for the payment of premiums, the insurer undertakes to reimburse any property damage or bodily injury caused by its insured.
In general, this cover is sufficient only for a used Opel that has been on the road for more than 10 years.

Complete casco for an Opel

To benefit from a higher level of cover, you can first opt for what is known as partial casco. The insured will then be covered in the event of a claim of which he or she is the victim, without a third party being named as responsible. Examples include theft, fire or vandalism. Collision with an animal or damage caused by bad weather may also be covered.
Beware, with this level of cover, the insured receives no reimbursement when he himself is responsible for a collision. To obtain compensation, you need to take out what's known as casco collision.
When a contract combines partial casco and casco collision, it's known as casco complet.

Insurance options for an Opel

Several useful options can be associated with an insurance contract for Opel such as:
  • The parking damage insurance, which provides compensation for parking damage, such as scratches.
  • The battery or charging station insurance, for anyone wishing to buy an electric or hybrid Opel.
  • The insurance of things transported, useful for people using their Opel professionally, and transporting valuable equipment or material.
Beware, not all options are necessarily offered by all insurance companies. What's more, your insurer may refuse you some of them. For example, for parking damage insurance, vehicles put on the road more than 5 years ago are generally not covered.

How much does insurance cost for an Opel?

For people looking for cheap car insurance in Switzerland, buying an Opel may be a good idea. Indeed, the brand allows you to benefit from a more attractive premium, than with luxury brands such as Audi, BMW or Mercedes.
What you need to understand is that when calculating the premium, the insurer will take into account the amount of compensation it might have to pay out in the event of a claim. The higher the market value of a vehicle, the higher the premium. With the excellent value for money offered by the Opel brand, it is therefore possible to find insurance at a reasonable price.
We would also point out that the insured's profile, and his or her track record on the road will also be scrutinized by the insurance company. A driver with several years' experience, and a significant bonus will thus be able to claim an attractive price.

Which insurance company to insure an Opel in Switzerland?

People looking for Opel insurance can choose a classic company, or make use of Opel insurance solutions.

Swiss insurance companies

Among the best placed insurers in terms of price, for Opel insurance, we find AXA, but also the Helvetica insurance company. For a full comprehensive policy, with various options, other groups stand out with tailor-made contracts. Allianz, for example, offers some of the most comprehensive contracts on the market.

Insure yourself with Opel car insurance

Opel also offers its own insurance solutions. It is aimed at customers wishing to take out an Opel lease, but also at those wishing to buy their vehicle.
As with any insurer, it will be possible to choose between several levels of cover, from third-party liability to full comprehensive.
Among the arguments put forward by the brand, customers will be able to take advantage of a loyalty bonus of up to 1,000 francs. In addition, there are all the options that could be useful to professionals, such as coverage for transported objects.
Customers of the Opel brand are therefore well advised to take an interest in the brand's insurance products, to insure their vehicles.

Find out more about car insurance by brand

Antoine Léger
Updated on: 30.01.2024Written by Antoine LégerHead of non-life insurance department at Comparea.
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