BMW insurance in Switzerland: what you need to know


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The BMW brand is one of the iconic names for luxury vehicles. BMW insurance must therefore include sufficient guarantees, to provide for proper compensation in the event of a claim. In this article, we take a look at all the useful guarantees and options when it comes to car insurance. You'll also discover which insurance companies are likely to offer you interesting contracts.

What car insurance for a BMW?

Insuring a BMW often requires more than just minimum insurance. Here are some of the coverages you might need.

Car liability for a BMW

In Switzerland, all drivers of a vehicle are required to have at least car liability. This is a level that guarantees compensation to third parties in the event of a liable claim caused by the insured.
Legally, it's possible to make do with it. On the other hand, when you own a high-end vehicle like a BMW, your insurance usually has to include other coverages. The aim is to ensure that the owner does not have to bear the full cost in the event of a claim.

Partial casco for a BMW

Partial casco is a level of cover, which provides coverage against external elements. Those who subscribe to it will thus be able to be compensated, if the claim originates:
  • From a collision with an animal,
  • From an act of vandalism,
  • From a fire in the vehicle,
  • ...etc.
This therefore covers all situations where the owner of the vehicle is the victim, and where there is no responsible party, whose civil liability could be engaged. This also means that partial comprehensive covers the insured in the event of vehicle theft or glass breakage.

Collision comprehensive for a BMW

In the event of an at-fault accident, simple civil liability is not enough, to obtain reimbursements. If you're looking for insurance for a BMW, you may want to consider collision coverage. This level of cover provides compensation for material damage and bodily injury, when the insured is himself responsible for an accident.

Total damage for a BMW

Total damage is a situation in which the insurer cannot repair the vehicle. It can be economic total damage, when repairs are too expensive in relation to the price of the vehicle. We speak of technical total damage, when it is technically impossible to repair the car.
When buying a recent BMW, it is more than pertinent to opt for this type of warranty. It allows you to obtain good reimbursements, when the claim results in total damage. It's even sometimes possible to obtain a reimbursement of the vehicle to new.

Parking car insurance for a BMW

The car insurance parking allows the vehicle owner to be covered when his vehicle is scratched or damaged in a car park. In general, those responsible do not leave their contact details. When the vehicle is new, the warranty can be used to restore the bodywork.
Parking car insurance is not relevant, if the vehicle has been on the road for several years and the bodywork is not spotless. In fact, most insurers refuse to accept cars over 5 years old for this type of insurance.

How much does insurance cost for a BMW?

BMW cars are considered top-of-the-range. It is therefore legitimate that insurance premiums are higher than for some other lambda brands. This difference in rates stems from the fact that, in the event of an accident, the reimbursements to be made by the insurer are associated with higher amounts.
The insurance will be calculated according to the value of the vehicle. The insurer also takes into account the risk of claims, assessing the vehicle's power and the insured's profile. The presence of a possible malus can have a major impact on the premium when calculating insurance for a BMW.

Which insurance company to insure a BMW in Switzerland?

For those looking for cheap car insurance for a BMW, Helvetica ranks among the most competitive companies, for comprehensive cover. However, a deductible will often have to be paid, even when using the policy's third-party liability.
For those looking for comprehensive cover, without having to pay large deductibles, Generali ranks among the best-value insurers. Only a deductible will be payable in the event of an at-fault collision. The bonus protection and parking damage are included in the posted rates.
Finally, beyond coverage, you can look for cheap BMW insurance. for simple third-party liability, Smile insurance is the most competitive. With its online formulas, for example, it can insure a BMW 3 Series for less than 700 francs a year.
It's always worth comparing quotes from several insurers before committing yourself. Online comparators can save you precious time!

Find out more about car insurance by brand

Antoine Léger
Updated on: 30.01.2024Written by Antoine LégerHead of non-life insurance department at Comparea.
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