Sample accident coverage exclusion letter


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In the case of a person gainfully employed for more than eight hours a week, accident cover is paid in full by the employer.

What does accident insurance cover?

Accident insurance (or LAA) covers medical expenses related to a occupational or non-occupational accident.
Excluding accident cover can therefore save you an average of 10% on your insurance premiums.

How can I exclude accident cover from my contract?

If you work more than eight hours a week for the same employer, you are entitled to exclude accident cover from your contract. To do this, simply request a certificate proving that you are insured against the risk of accident from your employer, and then forward it to your health insurer.
Thus, your premium will be reduced from the following month, depending on when the letter is sent.
Alexis Milon
Updated on: 01.02.2024Written by Alexis MilonHead of health insurance department at Comparea.
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