All about Sympany health insurance


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Contact information Sympany

Head office: Moove Sympany AG - Peter Merian-Weg 4, 4002 Basel

All about Sympany health insurance

Sympany, founded in 1914 as ÖKK, was Switzerland's first cantonal public health insurance company. Today, Sympany offers insurance for individuals and professionals, with the majority of its business focused on basic and supplementary health insurance. The Sympany Group comprises 5 subsidiaries: Vivao Sympany SA, Moove Sympany SA, Kolping Caisse-maladie SA, Sympany Assurances SA and Sympany Services SA. Vivao Sympany SA, Moove, Sympany SA and Kolping Caisse-maladie SA.
In 2021, Sympany achieved a profit of 28.7 million, and today has more than 620 employees as well as over 200,000 insured.

What are the different opinions on Sympany?

Overall opinion on Sympany health insurance:

Overall satisfaction ratings for Sympany are positive. In particular, many customers cite the quality of customer service, the offers on offer and the clarity of information.
In 2022, Sympany therefore achieves an overall rating of 5/6 based on a survey of 3,400 people by the Intervista institute.

Customer service: Sympany service opinion

Sympany scores 4.9/6 on ease of communication and information

What is Sympany's solvency ratio?

In 2021, Sympany's reserves amounted to 1'424.30 million francs, with a solvency ratio set at 245%.

How is the solvency ratio calculated?

Sympany reserves (million francs) Legal minimum reserves (million francs) Solvency ratio
55.10 18.00 306%

What basic insurance models does Sympany offer?

FlexHelp24 model

Based on a flex model (telmed and practice), the flexhelp24 model offered by Sympany gives you the choice of a telephone or video consultation or a consultation in one of Sympany's partner practices. Afterwards, you'll be referred to a specialist or advised on the treatment to follow.
Premium rebates of 14 to 17%

Casamed HMO model

Based on a classic HMO model, Sympany's casamed HMO model allows you to consult an HMO practice in the event of health concerns. This coordinates each treatment and refers you to a specialist if necessary.
Premium reductions of 10 to 17%

Casamed Family Doctor model

The Casamed Family Doctor model gives you priority access to your family doctor, designated when you take out basic insurance, in the event of a health problem. Your family doctor knows your medical history and can suggest appropriate treatment.
Premium rebate of 6-12%

CasamedPharm model

Based on a pharmacy model, in the event of health concerns, you can visit a Sympany partner pharmacy or consult a doctor by telephone. The pharmacy will guide you as to which treatment to follow, and if necessary, refer you to a specialist.
Premium rebates from 9 to 14%

Callmed24 model

The callmed24 model is a telemedicine model. In the event of a health problem, you can consult a specialist by telephone or from the MedGate app. He or she will guide you as to how to proceed. Consultations are available 24/7.
Premium reductions of 8 to 14%

Classic model: Free choice of doctor

The classic model lets you choose your specialist in the event of health concerns. You are free to consult the doctor of your choice. Note that this is generally the most expensive model.

What are the different supplementary insurances offered by Sympany?

Sympany offers different supplementary insurance products to cover the gaps in basic insurance. These products are divided into 3 categories as below:

Hospita supplementary hospital insurance:

  • Hospita Générale: Hospital stay in general ward
  • Hospita Flex: You have a choice of ward, private or semi-private.
  • Hospita Demi-privée: Hospital stay in semi-private division, twin room
  • Hospita Privée: Hospital stay in private division, single room
  • Hospita Globale: Hospital stay in private division worldwide, single room

Supplementary outpatient insurance :

  • Outpatient benefits plus: Contributions to non-reimbursed drugs, alternative medicine, glasses and contact lenses as well as prevention
  • Outpatient benefits premium: Doubled coverage compared with the plus option.

Supplementary dental insurance:

  • Dental insurance: Coverage of between 50% and 75% of dental treatment costs up to the maximum amount chosen. Note that complementary dental insurance is free for up to 3 years.

How much does health insurance with Sympany cost?

For basic health insurance, rates range from CHF 349.80 to CHF 427.70 for an adult, depending on canton of residence, deductible and model chosen.
In the case of supplementary insurance for an adult, below are the different rates (monthly rates displayed in CHF):

Hospita hospitalization supplementary insurance rates:

Supplementary insurance Monthly premium (CHF)
Hospita General 7.50
Hospita Flex 56.30
Hospita Demi-privée 94.10
Hospita Privée 131.80
Hospita Globale 141.60

Supplementary outpatient insurance rates:

Supplementary insurance Monthly premium (CHF)
Outpatient benefits plus 19.70
Premium outpatient benefits 42.30

How to apply for Sympany health insurance

Various Sympany agencies are available to offer expert advice. You can also visit or call
Alexis Milon
Updated on: 01.02.2024Written by Alexis MilonHead of health insurance department at Comparea.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a complaint, you can contact a Sympany advisor by telephone, visit a branch near you or directly online at