Which drugs are reimbursed by basic health insurance in Switzerland?

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Drugs: What does basic health insurance cover?
In Switzerland, Swissmedic (the authority responsible for authorizing and controlling therapeutic products) regulates all medicines that can be covered by basic health insurance. Swissmedic collaborates with national and international partner authorities to guarantee the safety, efficacy and quality of authorized medicines. In order for a drug to be covered by basic insurance, the following two criteria must be met:
- The drug must have been prescribed by a licensed physician
- The drug must appear on the list of specialties, established and maintained by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) or on the list of drugs with tariff (LMT), which lists the products and active substances used for magistral preparations manufactured by pharmacists.
MORE ABOUT THE FOPH (Federal Office of Public Health): The FOPH protects public health, formulates health policy and ensures that the Swiss healthcare system is efficient and financially viable. As the authority responsible for public health safety in Switzerland, the Federal Office of Public Health collaborates with the media to disseminate advice and information relevant to public health. In this way, FOPH publications contribute to patients' informed decision-making.
Which drugs are covered by supplementary insurance?
Supplementary insurance for non-reimbursed drugs covers off-list medicines. These drugs are authorized by SwissMedic but are not included in the list of specialties. They are therefore not covered by basic insurance. A drug is considered off-list if its efficacy is disputed, or if it can be considered too expensive. In this case, supplementary insurance for non-reimbursed drugs offers coverage for these off-list drugs if they have been prescribed by a doctor.
Please note that the list of drugs covered by supplementary insurance for non-reimbursed drugs can vary considerably from one insurance company to another. For this reason, it is important to check these lists before taking out supplementary insurance.
Why take out supplementary insurance for non-reimbursed drugs?
Medicines not included in the list of specialties are not covered by basic insurance. As a result, taking out supplementary insurance covering non-reimbursed drugs will enable you to obtain reimbursement, in cases where these drugs have been prescribed by a doctor.
Note that these supplementary insurances do not cover drugs on the list of pharmaceutical products for special application. These include, for example, so-called "slimming" drugs or treatments for hair loss as well as weight loss.
In conclusion, the management of medicines and their coverage by basic insurance in Switzerland is subject to rigorous standards, thus guaranteeing the safety and quality of healthcare provided to the population. SwissMedic, as the regulatory authority for therapeutic products, ensures that only medicines that meet strict criteria can be covered. However, the reality of healthcare also includes "off-list" drugs whose efficacy or cost may be open to debate. In such cases, supplementary insurance for non-reimbursed drugs offers a solution by ensuring that patients receive the healthcare they need, even when these drugs are not covered by basic insurance. Complementary drug coverage thus contributes to greater accessibility to quality healthcare for the entire Swiss population, promoting overall improvements in public health.

Updated on: 01.02.2024Written by Alexis MilonHead of health insurance department at Comparea.To learn more about our team click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Basic health insurance covers drugs prescribed by a doctor. These drugs must appear on the list of pharmaceutical specialties.
For a drug to be reimbursed by basic health insurance, it must have been prescribed by a doctor and must appear on the list of specialties (LS).
A number of drugs are not covered by either the basic or supplementary health insurance plans. These drugs are listed in the "Liste des produits pharmaceutiques pour application spéciale" (LPPA). These may include "slimming", weight-loss or hair-loss drugs.