The Postfinance 3rd pillar offer


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Everyone has different expectations when it comes to personal pension provision. Some want the security of retirement capital, while others prefer to benefit from high returns. Whether you're looking for a Pillar 3A or a Pillar 3B, Postfinance offers a range of solutions to suit everyone's needs.

Pension account 3A

Among Postfinance's range of 3rd pillar products, this is the ideal solution if you want to build up retirement capital while enjoying tax benefits every year. With the Pillar 3A retirement account, you are free to choose how much to contribute and when. What's more, the account is completely free to manage. It can also be used to finance a personal property purchase, through early withdrawal of capital.
Furthermore, opening a provident account with Postfinance also gives you the following privileges:
  • you can deduct the amount paid in from your taxable income every year;
  • the retirement savings capital is not subject to wealth tax;
  • interest and capital income are exempt from income and withholding tax, during the investment period;
  • at the time of payout, the capital benefits from a reduced tax rate, irrespective of other income.

Postfinance Pillar 3B pension funds

If you'd rather focus your retirement savings on return objectives, you can invest part or all of your capital present in the 3A account in PF Pension pension funds. These are part of Postfinance's 3B pillar offering, and allow you to participate in financial market trends. Here too, flexibility is the order of the day, as you can make payments as you wish and switch funds at no extra cost.
The return opportunities are more attractive over the long term with PF Pension funds than with the Pillar 3A retirement account. Four investment funds are offered at Postfinance with variable equity portions, ranging from 25% to 100%, to suit different investor profiles in terms of investment horizon and willingness to take risks.

Life insurance savings

At Postfinance, this savings solution is also known as the SmartFlex pension plan and is part of both Pillar 3A and Pillar 3B. It is a retirement plan that provides attractive risk coverage and complements the 1st and 2nd pillars. You can choose between three investment themes: Dividend, Global and Sustainability, depending on your needs and profile. The advantages of savings life insurance are many:
  • low investment costs;
  • a yield-oriented solution that offers attractive taxation;
  • flexibility when choosing premium allocation;
  • different coverage options in the event of death;
  • the possibility of stopping premium payments in the event of earning incapacity;
  • in the event of death, the life insurance benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries without forming part of the estate.
Incidentally, there is a major difference between Pillar 3A and Pillar 3B when it comes to life insurance beneficiaries. These are designated by law in the case of pillar 3A, and at the insured's choice for pillar 3B.

Risk insurance

Thanks to Postfinance risk insurance, you can protect yourself financially if you are no longer able to work, and also protect your loved ones. Premium payments can be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually, depending on your preferences.
In the event of accident or illness, you still receive a guaranteed pension thanks to disability insurance. The amount varies according to the degree of disability, from a minimum of 25%.
In the event of death, your family or professional partner receives a guaranteed regular income. The capital can then be constant until the end of the insurance contract, or degressive if it is to be used to cover a mortgage.
Risk insurance can be taken out with a pillar 3A or pillar 3B at Postfinance.
In conclusion, the 3rd pillar offering at Postfinance comprises two main types of product: the 3A provident account and PF Pension funds on the one hand, and savings life insurance and risk insurance on the other. Depending on your savings and protection needs, you can combine the two. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact an advisor.
Joffrey Maitre
Updated on: 31.01.2024Written by Joffrey MaitreHead of private provision department at Comparea
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