The Generali 3rd pillar offer

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Do you want to ensure a good retirement? To do so, it's essential to look at how retirement provision works in Switzerland. At Generali Assurance, the 3rd pillar 3A offers you several solutions that meet different needs, to enable you to move forward serenely in life...
The pillar 3A digital at Generali Assurance
In Switzerland, to build up capital that will be very useful when you retire, you can opt for the 3rd pillar 3A digital offered by Generali Assurance. This pension solution offers you a number of advantages:
- easy and quick contract enrolment;
- optimized investments by Generali Assurance's professional portfolio managers;
- great flexibility regarding your payments;
- a contribution to savings in the event of disability of up to CHF 3,000 per year in your Swiss individual pension until you retire...;
- tax advantages thanks to the deduction of payments into the 3rd pillar from your taxable income;
- 24/7 accessibility to your digital 3rd pillar at Generali Assurance;
- optional personalized advice.
SCALA life insurance at Generali Switzerland
Among the pension solutions available from Generali, SCALA life insurance is an excellent way to save for a secure future. Not only does it provide you with a capital sum for retirement, it also protects your family in the event of your death. The life insurance benefit can then be received quickly by the beneficiaries, or on the contract end date if applicable.
In addition, SCALA life insurance from Generali Switzerland allows you:
- invest your contributions in funds to obtain more attractive return prospects than with conventional savings investments;
- acquire tax reductions thanks to the 3rd pillar 3A by deducting premiums from your income;
- establish your savings profile to easily target your real pension needs;
- temporarily suspend payments in the event of a change in your personal situation.
Generali Suisse PERFORMA savings insurance
This pension solution offers you the opportunity to save with Generali Assurance in the 3rd pillar to build a great retirement. With PERFORMA insurance, you can choose between three types of savings profile, the one that best suits your needs in terms of security and return: Capital, Control or Profit.
The Capital profile focuses more on the security aspect rather than the return aspect, unlike the Profit profile. As for the Control profile, it places both aspects on an equal footing.
Choosing PERFORMA savings insurance also gives you:
- attractive tax benefits;
- assumption of payments by Generali Suisse in the event of you no longer being able to work;
- additional risk cover corresponding to an annuity agreed in advance with your Generali 3rd pillar pension advisor, to help you and your loved ones in the event of accident or illness.
Generali Assurance's Tomorrow Invest sustainable investment plan
By opting for the Profit savings profile, included in the insurance just presented, you have the option of choosing Generali Switzerland's sustainable investment plan, called Tomorrow Invest. The primary aim of this pension solution is to enable you to invest in companies committed to causes such as the environment.
The Tomorrow Invest investment plan also means:
- companies mainly based in Switzerland and selected on the basis of demanding criteria;
- a quality investment mix, developed by Generali Assurance financial experts;
- the choice to invest in forward-looking business sectors;
- an assessment of companies in various areas related to sustainable development, by the Sustainalytics company.
In conclusion, at Generali Assurance, the 3rd pillar is made up of different pension solutions, each of which offers significant advantages. So, depending on your life plans, needs and expectations, you have the choice of turning to a digital pillar 3A, life insurance, savings insurance or a sustainable investment plan. Don't hesitate to call on an advisor to help you see things more clearly and to provide you with any additional information.

Updated on: 31.01.2024Written by Joffrey MaitreHead of private provision department at CompareaTo learn more about our team click here.