Credit Suisse 3rd pillar offer


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Would you like to ensure a bright future and a comfortable standard of living after retirement? Then you should certainly look into an individual pension plan, which would complement the 1st and 2nd pillars. Depending on your needs and profile, you should find the solution that's right for you among Credit Suisse's 3rd pillar offering.

Credit Suisse 3rd pillar retirement account

Individual retirement provision, also known as the 3rd pillar, complements the 1st and 2nd pillars to ensure you have a secure future. The Credit Suisse pension account gives you the financial security you need to retire comfortably and with peace of mind. As soon as you reach retirement age, you can draw down your retirement capital or continue working for up to five more years, to increase the investment in your Credit Suisse retirement account.
In addition, this savings solution offers you multiple privileges:
  • a more attractive interest rate than that of a traditional savings account;
  • the possibility of deducting payments made into your provident account from your taxable income;
  • exemption from wealth tax and withholding tax for the duration of the investment ;
  • additional tax benefits if you open two or three further provident accounts;
  • free account opening and management;
  • a mobile and online application for easy, independent access to your information;
  • in the event of death, the retirement capital is paid to your beneficiaries.

Credit Suisse pension deposit 3rd pillar

With the Credit Suisse pension deposit, you benefit from higher long-term return opportunities than with the pension account. What's more, this solution gives you a choice of many sustainable pension products. In fact, companies must meet environmental, social and societal criteria in order to be selected by Credit Suisse.
As with the retirement savings account, the 3rd pillar retirement savings account, or prévoyance-titres, gives you attractive tax advantages. You also have access to your investments via Online and Mobile Banking, as well as to the various investment groups available. Each group has a different equity allocation. Depending on your investor profile, the risks you are willing to take and your personal investment horizon, you can select the investment group that suits you best. Please note that you can change your investment group at any time.
Actively managed investment groups are defined by their expert management, to enable you to maximize returns over the long term.
Indexed investment groups, on the other hand, correspond to investments made in investment funds that are based on developments in the various financial markets.

Credit Suisse financial planning

To make the best retirement provision choices, Credit Suisse offers you its financial planning called Life Plan. With an in-depth analysis of your situation, Credit Suisse advisors make tailored recommendations to fill any pension gaps. Indeed, it may be that following a divorce, a trip abroad or any other such event, your AVS 1st pillar contributions are not complete.
In this case, several solutions are conceivable, including payments into your 3rd pillar, so that you can claim a comfortable standard of living when you retire early, for example. With Pillar 3A, you can choose the form of investment, unlike with Pillars 1 and 2. What's more, the 3rd pillar also offers insurance against the risks of disability or death.
Credit Suisse's Life Plan also helps you decide when it would be wisest to retire, how to pay out your pension funds, and what to do about taxes.
In summary, Credit Suisse's 3rd pillar offer essentially comprises the high security of the pension account and the possibility of very attractive returns over the long term with the securities provident scheme and the various investment groups. Our financial planning service gives you a clearer picture of your situation, and provides you with relevant advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
Joffrey Maitre
Updated on: 31.01.2024Written by Joffrey MaitreHead of private provision department at Comparea
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