All about the BNC mortgage model

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BCN is not only the bank of the canton of Neuchâtel, but has conquered the whole of Switzerland. It offers you quality products, such as its mortgage loan formulas. You can also take advantage of online services, such as its mortgage calculator, ideal for projecting your future.
How much equity do you need for a mortgage with BCN?
To qualify for a mortgage with BCN, you must have 20% equity. 10% must be free equity. The remaining 80% will be financed by a fixed-rate, variable-rate or SARON mortgage.
The Hydrosafe mortgage
Mortgages are often offered without insurance. With its Hyposafe mortgage model, BCN is revolutionizing the market. You can take advantage of a mortgage that includes coverage in the event of death. The latter is designed to guarantee the second rank of your mortgage, to protect your loved ones and your assets.
The Hypoflex mortgage
BCN's Hypoflex formula offers you more flexibility than a conventional mortgage. If you sell the property before the contract expires, you can repay your loan early. There are no financial penalties.

Updated on: 31.01.2024Written by Valery ChantepyHead of mortgage department at CompareaTo learn more about our team click here.